🚀Build & Issue Credentials
Construct, and then Issue (Sign and Store) Credentials
Last updated
Construct, and then Issue (Sign and Store) Credentials
Last updated
Generate and return a signed Credential. This will also write the Credential the recipient's data backpack in Disco's Verifiable Data Registry. The JSON body should contain required Credential values for the schema type used. Available schemas and their specifications can be found at https://github.com/discoxyz/disco-schemas.
The JSON body should contain specific credential schema values required for the Credential type used. Available schemas can be found at https://github.com/discoxyz/disco-schemas.
The URL of the verifiable crednetial schema. Available schemas can be found at https://github.com/discoxyz/disco-schemas
The DID address of the credential's claimant
The fields and values for the credential (based on its schema)
"{\n \"memberId\": \"Goldstar Member\",\n \"membershipDescription\": \"Demo membership to showcase Disco API\",\n \"membershipLevel\": \"Permanent\",\n \"membershipType\": \"Developer\",\n \"organization\": \"Disco.xyz\"\n }"
The date for the credential to expire for the claimant. Leave empty if there's no expiration.
Optional - supported values are "JWT" and "712".
The DID address of the credential's issuer.
To sign or not to sign - hint you should sign! Either leave out or assign false.
Internal ID used by data storage system
Verifiable Credential payload
"See https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/#example-a-simple-example-of-a-verifiable-credential"
JSON Web Token per RFC 7519
If true anyone can read the credential. If false, only the issuer and the claimant can read the credential.
JSON Web Token per RFC 7519
The DID value for the recipient of Verifiable Credential.
Subject is what the credential claim is made about.
The URL of the verifiable crednetial schema. Available schemas can be found at https://github.com/discoxyz/disco-schemas
Generate and return multiple signed Credentials. This will also write the Credentials to the recipient's data backpacks in Disco's Verifiable Data Registry. The JSON body should contain required Credentials and their values for the schema type used. Available schemas and their specifications can be found at https://github.com/discoxyz/disco-schemas.
The DID of the Credential issuer
The Credential schema
Signing suite. Use JWT or 712
One or more Credential recipient DIDs
"[\n { \"subject\": { \"id\": \"did:3:abc123\" },\n \"recipient\": \"did:3:abc123\",\n \"expirationDate\": \"\" }\n ]"
Returns and store a collection of Verifiable Credential Documents
Internal ID used by data storage system
Verifiable Credential payload
"See https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/#example-a-simple-example-of-a-verifiable-credential"
JSON Web Token per RFC 7519
If true anyone can read the credential. If false, only the issuer and the claimant can read the credential.
JSON Web Token per RFC 7519
The DID value for the recipient of Verifiable Credential.
Subject is what the credential claim is made about.
The URL of the verifiable crednetial schema. Available schemas can be found at https://github.com/discoxyz/disco-schemas